Friday, February 27, 2009

Blog #3

We read about the Encomienda System this week and the way that the Indigenous people had to conform to the Spanish way of life, especially religiously, struck a chord with me. My wife has an Uncle that has a domestic partner. I have been married for going on thirteen years and they have been together for much longer than that. They have been a faithful loving couple for almost two decades, however they are not able to get married because of our current belief system. I have to admit, at first I wasn't to keen on the idea of same sex marriage, however once I truly thought about it I had no choice but to open my eyes! With a lot of my heterosexual friends that have been married now divorced, it seems the better example of unity between two people would be that of my wife's uncle and his partner. I have a major problem with any religion that's says my god or higher being discriminates against anyone that produces love and respect towards another human being.

Blog #2

This week we were able to read about Teotihuacan. This relates to me because every year we go to Mexico City, for an event, and I try to make it to the temples when ever I go. I've never known the stories behind the place but have always loved going there. It makes a lot more sense now and I look forward to going back. The architecture is amazing, if you get a chance you should definitely make the trip.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog #1

This image is by Joe DiMaggio and is titled "Last Summer Before Girls."
I relate to this piece mainly because of the different emotions displayed. The mixture of the title and the dark mood of the colors used, make it seem as if the artist is doomed, not to mention the ominous faces in the clouds. In contrast the joy the subject seems to be having with his dog gives me an uplifting feeling. I like the very different contrasts of emotion this piece pulls out and I would like to be able to express my vision with as much depth as Mr. DiMaggio.

Click on the link to see more of Joe DiMaggio's work.

This is a photo I took. I am a action sports photographer
by trade and would love to getting into editorial/fashion photography. This picture was taken in San Francisco. We were going to shoot around the city, but when I got to the model's location the rain came down and didn't let up.
What I love about this picture and the whole day of shooting is that we had to try and come up with something spur of the moment and we where able to produce some of my favorite images I've ever taken in this genre. What I love about art and photography in general is finding that one moment and capturing it, even when at first it is not apparent.

This piece is by Sylvia Ji and is titled "Waiting." This artist kills it. There is nothing more appealing to me than a strong woman that is also sexy and alluring. The art Miss Ji creates to me is stunning to say the least. They are like sirens pulling me into the oceans abyss....completely mesmerized!
Make sure to take a look at her site
Sylvia Ji

What I mainly want to get from the Art 12B class is an understanding of Mexican Art and how it has evolved. I travel to Mexico every year and love its' people and culture. I would like to incorporate some of the things I've experienced , in Mexico, in some mixed media projects and would like to be knowledgeable in what it is I'm using.

One more of Sylvia Ji's works
"Lacatrina." In the spirt of Art 12B.